Friday, April 22, 2011

You Call This Good?

I was planning on writing something about The Easter Triduum, and in particular something about Good Friday. But Catholic songwriter Matt Maher was one step ahead of the game, and has made a Holy Week video series, posting one video a day, from Passion Sunday to Easter Sunday. I really encourage you to watch the series, especially today's video about the Lord's Passion:

Today, please put on that sackcloth and throw ashes over your shoulder. Shed some tears. Look at your feet and at your hands and see the nails. When you see your face in the mirror, see the crown of thorns. When you encounter a problem, when you feel a burden, feel the damage done from the scourging, and feel the weight of the Cross. We messed up big time, and Christ paid the ultimate price today, because He loves us. Through his suffering and death, he mended us.

But as we stand at the foot of the Cross with Mary, looking up at the horrific sight of the suffering servant, let's make sure to remind ourselves that despite the pain and suffering, this day, Good Friday, is very good.

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